Рецензии книг

Рецензии книг – это подборка из анализа биографий успешных акционеров и СЕО, бизнес-решений, интеллектуальных книг. Критерии выбора простые – то, что позволяет учиться, развиваться и совершенствоваться. Каждую неделю я читаю одну книгу, а  синтез уроков из нее пишу в блог для запоминания. Книга имеет две оценки. За интересность и процент содержательности. Также можно отслеживать на Goodreads, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, VK и Twitter.

ТОП-15 самых читаемых рецензий:
1. Who. Geoff Smart. 6/5 и 23%.
2. Drive. Daniel Pink. 6/5 и 17%.
3. Emotional Intelligence. Daniel Goleman. 4/5 и 20%.
4. Grit. Duckworth. 5/5 и 18%.
5. Principles. Ray Dalio. 6/5.
6. Never Split the Difference. 6/5.
7. Father to Son / Daughter. Harry H. Harrison Jr. 5/5.
8. Дао СЕО. Антон Стороженко. 5/5 и 20%.
9. Extreme Ownership. How US Navy SEALs Lead and Win. 5/5 и 15%.
10. The Hard Thing About Hard Things. Ben Horowitz. 5/5 и 24%.
11. Первые 90 дней. Майкл Уоткинс. 5/5 и 18%.
12. Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand. 6/5.
13. Financial Shenanigans. Howard Schilit. 5/5 и 20%.
14. How Will You Measure Your Life. 5/5.
15. Small Data. 5/5 и 14%.

Книги для акционеров и предпринимателей
Тони Шей. Доставляя счастье.
Intelligent Investor by Graham, 5/5.
Non Obvious Mega Trends by Bhargava, 5/5.
The Smartest Guys in the Room.
Dance of the Trillions.
The Unbanking of America by Lisa Servon.
Tools and Weapons by Brad Smith 5/5.
Pivot to the Future.
Michael Lewis. Liar’s Poker. 5/5.
Too Big To Fail. 6/5.
Big Debt Crises. Часть третья.
Big Debt Crises 2. Кейсы Германии и США.
Ray Dalio. Big Debt Crises. Vol 1.
Osterwalder. Business Model Generation. 6/5.
Koesterich. The Ten Trillion Dollar Gamble.
Chernow. The House of Morgan. 5/5.
Mike Isaac. The Battle for Uber. 5/5
Cristiane Correa and Jim Collins. Dream Big.
Elon Musk.
Howard Yu. Leap.
Дмитрий Гриц. Адвокат бизнеса. 5/5.
Lawrence Levy. To Pixar and Beyond. 6/5.
Frank Partnoy. FIASCO. 5/5
Евгений Щепин. ВкусВилл. 5/5
Munger. Poor Charlie’s Almanack. 5/5.
Scott Patterson. The Quants .
High Output Management. 6/5.
Lowenstein. When Genius Failed. 6/5
John Carreyrou. Bad Blood. 5/5.
Howard Schultz. Onward. 3/5
Ray Dalio. Principles. 6/5
Taleb. Skin in the Game. 5/5 и 19%
Peter Thiel. From Zero to One. 4/5 и 18%.
Dan Senor. Start-Up Nation. 6/5 и 13%.
Neil Irwin. The Alchemists. 5/5 и 19%.
Scott Patterson. Dark Pools. 4/5 и 22%.
Ben Horowitz. The Hard Thing About Hard Things. 5/5 и 24%.
Isaacson. Steve Jobs. 5/5 и 20%.
James Wynbrandt ‘Flying High’ 5/5 и 19%.
Ray Kroc. Grinding It Out. 5/5 и 18%.
Branson ‘Losing My Virginity’ 5/5 и 14%.
Dave Packard ‘The HP Way’ 4/5 и 19%.
Phil Knight ‘Shoe Dog’ 4/5 и 15%.
Ron Chernow. Titan. The Life of John D. Rockefeller. 4/5 и 9%.

Книги для Сhief Executive Officer
This Is Lean by Modig and Ahlstrom. 5/5.
The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive, 5/5.
Scott. Radical Candor. 6/5.
Руководители – чемпионы. 6/5.
What You Do Is Who You Are.
Robert Iger. The Ride of a Lifetime. 5/5.
Окружи себя лучшими. Rodeate de los mejores. 6/5.
Jack Welch. Straight From The Gut. 5/5.
Simon Sinek. Leaders Eat Last. 4/5.
Jim Collins. Built to Last. 6/5.
Greene. The Stress Test. 4/5.
Константин Борисов. Командос. 5/5
Scott Galloway. The Four. 6/5.
Thorndike. The Outsiders. 5/5
Sloan. My Years with General Motors. 5/5
Tian Tao.Huawei. 4/5 и 16%.
The Silo Effect. 5/5 и 21%
Антон Стороженко. Дао СЕО. 5/5 и 20%
Liker Hoseus ‘Toyota Culture’. 6/5 в порядке исключения
Gerstner ‘Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance?’ 5+/5 и 19%.
Francisco Souza Homem de Mello ‘The 3G Way’ 5/5 и 19%
Extreme Ownership. How US Navy SEALs Lead and Win. 5/5 и 15%.
Alan Greenberg ‘Memos from the Chairman’ 5/5
Patrick Lencioni ‘The Five Disfunctions of a Team’ 5/5
Jack Welch ‘Winning’ 5/5
Patrick Lencioni ‘The Advantage’ 4/5 и 22%
Blumberg. Return On Integrity. 4/5 и 19%.
Bossidy, Charan ‘Execution’ 4/5 и 18%
Eric Schmidt. How Google Works. 17% и 4/5.
Nassim Taleb ‘Antifragility’ 3/5 и 8%

Книги для Chief of Sales and Marketing
The Digital Transformation Playbook by Rogers.
Blue Ocean Shift. 3/5
Simon Sinek. Start With Why. 5-2/5 и 10%.
Sam Goodman. Where East Eats West. 4/5 и 21%
Martin Lindstrom ‘Small Data’ 5/5 и 14%
Trump ‘The Art of the Deal’ 4/5 и 18%
Sam Walton. Made in America. 4/5 и 18%.
Michael Lewis ‘The Undoing Project’ 4/5 и 10%
Luckett & Casey. The Social Organism. 4/5 и 11%.
Carmine Gallo ‘Talk Like TED’ 4/5
Gwen Olsen ‘Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher’ 3/5 и 14%.
Hochschild. The Managed Heart by Hochschild. 3/5 и 13%.

Книги для Chief Financial Office
Stephen A. Schwarzman. What It Takes. 5/5.
Edward Thorp. A Man for All Markets. 5/5.
Peter Westin. In From The Cold. 5/5.
El-Erian. The Only Game in Town.
Gow and Kells. The Big Four. 4/5.
James Stewart. Den of Thieves. 5/5.
Lisa Endlich. Goldman Sachs. 4/5.
O’Glove. Quality of Earnings. 5/5 и 21%.
Bogsnes ‘Implementing Beyond Budgeting’ 5/5 и 23%
Jeremy Hope ‘Reinventing the CFO’ 5/5 и 22%.
Schilit ‘Financial Shenanigans’ 5/5 и 20%
Rankine ‘Due Diligence’ 4/5 и 19%
Joseph Stiglitz ‘The Euro’ 4/5 и 19%
Nate Silver ‘The Signal and the Noise’ 4/5
Mayer, Cukier ‘Big Data’ 3/5 и 9%
Shull ‘Market Mind Games’ 2/5

Книги для Chief Strategy Officer
Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick. 3/5 и 16%
Bouquet & Ousey. Cold Steel. 5/5
The Sharing Economy. 3/5 и 17%
Cathy O’Neil. Weapons of Math Destruction. 5/5 и 23%.
Lewis. Boomerang. 5/5 и 22%.
Tetlock. Superforecasting. 5/5 и 19%.
Bhargava. Non Obvious 2017. 5/5 и 12%.
Kevin Kelly ‘The Inevitable’ 5+/5
Roubini, Mihn ´Crisis Economics´ 5/5
Jim Collins ‘Great by Choice’ 4/5 и 22%.
Rod Beddows ‘Steel 2050’ 4/5 и 21%
Taleb ‘Fooled by Randomness’ 4/5 и 19%
Eric Ross ‘Industries of the Future’ 4/5 и 19%.
Eric Weiner ‘The Shadow Market’ 4/5 и 18%.
Harry Dent. The Demographic Cliff. 4/5 и 18%.
Russ Koesterich ‘The Ten Trillion Dollar Gamble’ 3/5
Klaus Schwab ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’ 3/5

Книги для HR
First, Break All the Rules. 4/5
Goleman. Social Intelligence. 5/5 и 14%.
Geoff Smart ‘Who’ 6/5 и 23%
Adam Grant. Originals. 6/5 и 21%.
Daniel Pink. Drive. 6/5 и 17%.
Colvin. Talent is Overrated. 5/5 и 23%
Майкл Уоткинс “Первые 90 дней” 5/5 и 18%.

Книги про политику и политиков
The End of Alchemy by King.
Русская модель управления. Прохоров.
The Fix by Tepperman.
Конституционное право России.
Daniel Immerwahr. How To Hide An Empire. 5/5.
Baltasar Garzon. No a la impunidad.
Mary Beard. SPQR.
Michael Wolff. Siege.
Michael Lewis. The Fifth Risk.
Hassan Malik. Bankers & Bolsheviks.
Harari. 21 Lessons for the 21 Century. 5/5.
Rubin. In an Uncertain World. 4/5
McFaul. From Cold War to Hot Peace. 5/5
Let Every Nation Know. JFK Speeches. 5/5
Michael Wolff. Fire and Fury. 5/5
Chomsky ‘Who Rules the World’ 4/5 и 17%
Lee Kuan Yew ‘From Third World to First’ 4/5 и 16%
Todd Buchholz ‘The Price of Prosperity’ 4/5
Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘Total Recall’ 4/5
David Wessel ‘In Fed We Trust’ 4/5
Donald Trump ‘Crippled America’ 4/5
Clinton Cash 3/5 и 22%.
Boggs ‘Married to a Legend’ 3/5 и 15%
Soros ´New Paradigm for Financial Markets´ 3/5
‘Черчилль. Величайший из британцев’ 3/5

Книги про манипулирование и противостояние ему
Invisible Women by Perez.
Permanent Record by Snowden 5/5.
Kevin Mitnick. The Art of Invisibility. 5/5.
William Ury. The Power of a Positive No. 5/5.
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.
William Ury. Getting Past NO. 4/5.
Fisher and Ury. Getting to Yes. 4/5.
Never Split the Difference. 6/5.
Gavin De Becker. The Gift of Fear. 5/5.
Data and Goliath. 5/5 и 19%.
Navarro. What Every Body is Saying. 4/5 и 20%.
Cialdini ‘Influence’ 6/5 и 20%
Natasha Stout ‘The Sociopath Next Door’ 5/5
Sarah Knight ‘The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F’ 5/5
Scott Patterson. Dark Pools. 4/5 и 22%.
Joseph Burgo ‘The Narcissist You Know’ 4/5

Книги для интеллекта и саморазвития
The Sherlock Holmes Book, 6/5.
12 Rules for Life by Peterson.
David Goggins. Can’t Hurt Me.
Human Universe by Brian Cox 5/5.
Hacking Darwin by Metzl. 5/5.
Dawkins. The Blind Watchmaker.
Universe. The Definitive Visual Guide.
Lifespan. Why We Age. 5/5.
Hester. 21st Century Astronomy. 6/5.
The Elegant Defense. Элегантная защита.
David Graeber. Debt. The First 5000 Years.
Elizabeth Kolbert. The Sixth Extinction. 4/5
Paul Kalanithi. When Breath Becomes Air.
David Epstein. Range. 5/5.
Randall Munroe. How To. 6/5.
Peter Cawdron. Losing Mars. 4/5.
Prediction Machines. 4/5.
Ася Казанцева. “Мозг материален”. 4/5.
Alex Bellos. Alex Through The Looking-Glass. 5/5.
Atul Gawande. Being Mortal. 5/5.
Michio Kaku. Parallel Worlds.
Mother to Daughter / Son.
John Gribbin. Deep Simplicity. 4/5.
Stephen Hawking. Brief Answers…
Carl Zimmer. She Has Her Mother’s Laugh. 5/5
Daniel Yergin. The Quest. 5/5.
Robert M. Sapolsky. Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst.
Jared Diamond. The Third Chimpanzee. 5/5
Edward Tenner. The Efficiency Paradox: What Big Data Can’t Do.
Daniel Pink. When. 4/5
The Accidental Superpower. 3/5
Alex’s Adventures in Numberland. 5/5.
Sternberg. NeuroLogic. 3/5
Stoddard. Steel. 5/5
Hall, McDonnell, O’Neill. Superbugs. 4/5
Ariely. Predictably Irrational. От 3 до 5.
Rosling. Factfulness. 5/5.
Dawkins. The Selfish Gene. 6/5
Ian Morris. Why the West Rules For Now. 6/5
Daniel Goleman. Focus. 3/5 и 12%.
How to Make Sense of Any Mess. 3/5 и 12%
Duckworth. Grit. 5/5 и 18%.
Father to Son / Daughter. 5/5.
Michael Lewis ‘Flash Boys’ 5/5 и 21%.
Jared Diamond ‘Guns, Germs & Steel’ 5/5 и 19%.
Anderson. TED Talks. 5/5 и 17%.
Scott Peck ‘The Road Less Traveled’. 4/5 и 18%.
The Physics of Wall Street. 4/5 и 14%.
Harari ‘Sapiens’ 3/5 и 17%
Harari ‘Homo Deus’ 3/5 и 16%.
Michael Lewis ‘The Money Culture’ 3/5 и 8%.

Книги про управление эмоциями
Malcolm Gladwell. Talking to Strangers.
Maltz. Psycho-Cybernetics. 4/5.
Emotional Intelligence 2.0. 4/5
How Will You Measure Your Life.
Daniel Coleman. Emotional Intelligence. 4/5 и 20%.

Художественные книги
American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
The Runaway Universe by Goldsmith.
The End of Eternity by Asimov.
Scalzi. Old Man’s War. 5/5.
Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451. 5/5.
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.
Mitchell. Cloud Atlas. 5/5.
Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged. 6/5
The Pope of Physics. 5/5.
Cixin Liu. The Three Body Problem. 6/5.
Corey. The Expanse. 4+/5.
Johnson. The Physics of Star Wars. 4/5.

Обновлено 17 января 2021 г.